14 May 2011

The Many Layers of Cockatoo Island

The Many Layers of Cockatoo Island

When asked to use the materials provided to produce a map of Cockatoo Island as we see fit, we decided to make a layered 3D map.

Through the exploration of Cockatoo Island, we noticed 5 primary components that make up and define the island. These features are: the land, the unused spaces, buildings, nature and machinery. In order to represent this is the most simplistic way, our group constructed this 3D map showing 5 different layers each of which represents one of the features. Our goal was to communicate the idea in the easiest and most fool-proof way that can be easily interpreted when need be.

Expo Space: Cockatoo Island Mould Lounge
Format: Model (Collaboration)
Collaboration with Shelley Javier, Jacqueline Pham, Andy Mai, Daniel Malik
Material: Cardboard, Coloured Paper, Wires, Ribbon and Pins


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Welcome to my design blog! I am an Interior and Spatial Design student currently studying at the Design, Architecture & Building faculty of University of Technology, Sydney. This is a space to showcase my work (both for uni and freelance). Browse through my work and tell me what you think!
